Recent events:
Art Today Association presents
Center for Contemporary Art - Plovdiv,
The Ancient Bath
Group RAM, Austria
Volver - audio installation
Only on
11.01.2008 /Friday/ from
18.00 until 20.00 in the Ancient Bath premises.
Free entrance.

Art Today Association
аs a partner of
Goethe Institute Bulgaria
and Center for Meeting of the Saxony-Anhalt Province, Plovdiv
presents the project
MOVING MOVIES - see the city as a movie screen
Sometimes buildings can talk, cry, or laugh. This phenomenon will happen in real life in Plovdiv on
07.12.2007 /Friday/. At several places in the city, on the empty walls of the buildings Bulgarian, German and international short movies will be projected. Thus the invisible city spaces will turn into visible movie screens.
The projection screening starts at 18:00 at 15 Knyaz Alexander I Batenberg Str, the north-west facade of the City Art Gallery. Then it will continue on the walls of the buildings at 12 Abadzhijska Str, the parking lot at 14 Konstantin Stoilov Str, and 8 Yoakim Gruev Str. /the back of "Halite" market/.
The project will end with an after-party starting at 21:00 in the Corridor Gallery, 36 Konstantin Stoilov Str, The Old Plovdiv
Art Today Association presents
"Selected from Center for Contemporary Art - Plovdiv, The Ancient Bath"
as part of the festival
"FINITO MA NON TROPPO", organized by the Swiss Cultural Programme in Bulgaria. Opening
22.11.2007, 18.00, The Red House, Sofia
The exhibition presents artworks by authors who participated in art projects of the Association, which were realized in Center for Contemporary Art - Plovdiv and were supported by the Swiss Cultural Programme South East Europe and Ukraine.
The exhibition will be open until 25.11.2007.
For more information and the programme of the festival visit
Art Today Association presents
in Center for Contemporary Art - Plovdiv
The Ancient Bath
15.10.2007 – 30.10.2007
Opening: 15.10.2007/Monday/, 18.00 in the Ancient Bath
The exhibition presents works by the artists
Ilias Poulos,
Nikos Evangelopoulos,
Virginia Mastrogiannaki,
Vangelino Currentzis, and
Konstantina Katrakazou.
The participants are questioning their time – time made of movement, speed, flux, transitions, mixtures, openings and withdrawals, the blurring of limits, the calling into question of past certitudes, the loss of previous reference points, time made of hope and fear in front of the unknown.
Entrance fee: 1 Euro (discounts for students and pensioners)
Art Today Association presents
Center for Contemporary Art-Plovdiv,
The Ancient Bath and in Corridor Gallery
on 28th September 2007
in the Night of Museums and Galleries
Center for Contemporary Art-Plovdiv, The Ancient Bath
179 Sixth September Blvd
19.00 ч. Presentation
of the German art critic Bettina Steinbr?gge on the topic: "Artistic Critique / Institutional Critique; some notes on the concept of Institutional Critique and its curriculum."
Bettina Steinbr?gge is a teoretician and a critic, a participant in the resident programme for curators of Art Today Association.
Supported by Goethe Institute-Bulgaria and German Bulgarian Center for Meeting of the Saxony-Anhalt province.
20.00 - 20.20 ч. - "Homecoming", пърформанс a performance by Biliana Velkova (Vancouver) with the participation of the cheerleaders of the St.St. Cyril and Methodius Secondary High School, lead by Galina Angelova. Official opening of the evening
20.30 - 22.00 ч. - "Blind Spot”, a film by Oleg Mavromatti, premiere
22.00 ч. - Screening of video works from the exhibition „Bulgaria? ...Oh, yes, Bucharest!”, on the west fa?ade of Banya Starinna.
22.00 ч. The visitors in the Center for Contemporary Art-Plovdiv,The Ancient Bath will have the possibility to participate in an M-tel promotion. One of them will win an trip for two to Istanbul.
Corridor Gallery
36 Konstantin Stoilov Str, Old Town
21.00 – 22.00 „An interview with the European bear”, a performance by Emil Mirazchiev. The Euro-bear will interview members of the audience, and award the bravest of them with a star from the EU flag. It will ask the question – „Well, mayna, what did the EU brought you?” and the answers will be documented on a video for the history.
21.00 – 24.00 Short photo sessions with the European bear. For 3 Euros or 6 BGN anyone who wishes can have his/her picture taken in the company of the Euro-bear and get their photos right away.
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Annual edition of the Week of Contemporary Art:
Art Positive:
Communication Front- new
media art and theory
Critique of Pure Image – Between Fake and
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